The site of the present Norton United Baptist Church was purchased from Joseph D. Baxter on September 17, 1883 for one hundred dollars. However, our history as a congregation is tied even earlier to a combined effort in Riverbank, NB between both Baptists and Presbyterians.
Through the years renovations and changes for great mission effectiveness have been a part of our history. In 1949 room was added to the back of the church for meetings and Sunday School. Then in 1964 a nursery, classrooms and the “Fellowship Hall” was added. In 1998 extensive renovations were done to the kitchen facilities and two new washrooms were added in 2001 off the sanctuary. On June 20, 2010 we celebrated the grand opening and dedication of our new Family Life Centre. This large expansion has enabled us to have great ministry effectiveness with children’s and youth ministry, as well as wider reach into our community.
Through the years many generations of faith have given of their time, talents and resources to serve the Lord through the ministry of the Norton Baptist Church. We continue to be motivated to move forward in ministry, spurred on by the faithful service of those who pursed God’s vision before us. Psalm 102:18 says, “Let this be written for a future generation that people not yet created may praise the Lord.,” so we continue to worship and serve together in and for our community.